2013 has got off to a great start with our hugely successful, first-ever International Street Paper Vendor Week. I wanted to thank you all for taking part and for working together to celebrate street paper vendors everywhere. The feedback from vendors, readers, supporters and the media has been incredibly positive and we hope to build on this in future years.
We loved hearing about your vendor activities and events in your local communities, and we were celebrating alongside you here in Glasgow with various events in partnership with The Big Issue. A full impact report of the event will be circulated soon, but for now, I wanted to pass on my congratulations for all the brilliant work going on at your projects which ultimately is about supporting vendors everywhere.
We have an exciting few months coming up as we prepare for the INSP Conference and Awards in Munich. We continue to work alongside several member papers on digital innovation and we will share this information and learning with you as soon as we can. We have also been working with corporate partners to analyse your INSP survey data, the results of which we hope will help to further strengthen and build our network of street papers. We look forward to seeing many of you in July, and to share experiences, best practice and ideas for the future of street papers.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our great board and small team of committed people who do a fantastic job every day for our network.
As always, stay in touch, continue to your share your ideas and feedback and we look forward to seeing many of you soon.
You are all INSP-iring people.
Best wishes,
Lisa Maclean
INSP Executive Director